A brief digression into urban decay.

This month’s Cream City Flickr Photowalk took us a little off the beaten path for a short exploration of a bit of Milwaukee that most people don’t ordinarily see. The rain ended in time to keep our equipment dry and the clouds stayed thick enough to provide nice, even lighting in the open (with some nice directed light in certain areas).

I know I’m well and truly late to the iPhone game (I stopped caring about being an early adopter a long time ago), but I couldn’t help but be a little amused at the iPhone user subgroup within our cadre of Cream City Flickreenos.  Truth be told, the iPhone is far and away the best pocketable device for showing off photos, so it’s only natural that a lot of us have them.

[Oh yeah… I decided to screw Direct Fulfillment and try my luck at the Apple Store. So, last Thursday, I removed my employee discount (to allow activation at the Apple Store) and then went to Mayfair. Incredibly enough, after a half-hour of waiting in line (and another half-hour of activation pains), I walked out with a 16 GB black iPhone 3G. I then put back my employee discount on the line. There were still complications–namely that my iPhone data plan was not actually added and I had to fix that with customer service–but it’s been a blast so far.]

Speaking of the iPhone, I’ve been spending too much time browsing the App Store. Thankfully I think I’ve walked through all the store has to offer to date and snagged everything that I think is vaguely useful (and free–I’ll wait a bit on the purchases).  One app has caught my attention–Twinkle. It’s a Twitter app that leverages the location services of the iPhone to create a virtual community of local users whose updates you can browse through. The level of connectivity it provides through this simple feature is pretty impressive, I must admit–it was enough to make me actually get a Twitter account. The level of activity in Milwaukee is decent, but I can only imagine what it is like in a larger area like Chicago or New York.

Thank God I Drive a Small Car

Thank God I Drive a Small Car (2128)Somehow I thought that, because everyone abandons the neighborhood for Christmas and street parking is plentiful, that this would also be the case for New Year’s.

Suffice it to say that this was not the case. After a very enjoyable New Year’s party I was faced with having to find a parking spot and after about 30 minutes it was obvious that there were no nearby spots to be found and no one was leaving (everyone most likely being passed out at that hour).

I passed up this spot too many times to count, not really sure if I would fit and not sure if my coordination was up to the task, recovering from the party and being generally tired. All I know is that if I had tried earlier I would have been much less grumpy. ‘Cause actually, I got it parked in one shot.